(713) 321-2424 Consultation

Facial Fat Grafting in Houston, TX

Facial Fat Grafting Houston Facial Fat Grafting Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Facial Fat Grafting Houston
Facial Fat Grafting Houston Facial Fat Grafting Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Facial Fat Grafting Houston Facial Fat Grafting Houston Facial Fat Grafting Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Facial Fat Grafting Houston Facial Fat Grafting Houston Facial Fat Grafting Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Facial Fat Grafting Houston Facial Fat Grafting Houston Facial Fat Grafting Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Facial Fat Grafting Houston

Fulfill Your Beauty Goals

Facial Fat Grafting with Dr. Rodman at Face Forward

A person's face, like the rest of their body, loses volume and form as they age. Patients who have lost a large amount of weight may also experience volume loss and deflation of the facial fat pads, even at a young age. At Face Forward in Houston Facial Fat Grafting is a fantastic cutting-edge cosmetic procedure for restoring lost facial volume and rejuvenating the skin. Also known as fat transfer, this process involves the removal of fat from one area of the body and transferring the fat into a region of the face that is lacking in fullness. Laugh lines, cheeks, under eyes, chin, lips, temples, and even the eyelid are all areas that can receive a fat transfer. Fat grafts are frequently chosen as an alternative to synthetic enhancements like fillers. Fat grafting is an effective, permanent way to add volume to the face using your own natural tissues.

Facial Fat Grafting is a method that replaces volume loss in the face with your own body fat. Nanofat uses your own stem cells to repair, rejuvenate, and refresh your skin. The result is improved volume, skin tone, and skin quality. Dr. Regina Rodman, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Houston, is an expert at performing fat transfers using state-of-the-art purifying, micronizing, and grafting techniques. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Rodman at Face Forward in Houston, Texas, and learn how Facial Fat Grafting can enhance your facial contours to create a more vital, youthful appearance.

Houston facial fat grafting model with long hair Facial Fat Grafting Houston

Surgical Procedure: Fat Grafting

What is surgical facial fat grafting?

Fat can be removed from areas such as the lower abdomen or inner thighs & moved to the facial area such as cheeks, temples & around the lips. This procedure can restore fullness to the areas where it is grafted, providing a more youthful appearance. Dr. Rodman uses filtration systems for all fat grafting cases in the operating room. The advantage of using filtration is that Dr. Rodman can remove contaminants, greatly increasing the percentage of grafts the human body will retain.

Facial Fat Grafting is not a one size fits all procedure. There are several different types of fat grafting that can be done as part of the same procedure. Every plan for fat grafting is customized for each patient. Dr. Rodman will harvest fat from an area with excess, usually the lower abdomen, inner thighs or love handles. Then, the fat is cleaned and purified. A filtering system is used to gently dialyze collected fat, eliminating blood, oil, fluid, and broken cells, leaving pure fat as the final product. This purified fat is then processed into different sizes, depending on what areas of the face need volume. The three categories of fat that can be used are:

  • Milifat: Filtered but large molecules of fat. Millifat is best for areas that need significant volume replacement and structure. These areas are often the cheeks, temples and chin.
  • MicroFat: Smaller particles of fat. Microfat restores volume, but the smaller, thinner molecules make it ideal for transfer to thinner skin of the undereye area, lips, nasolabial folds (laugh line), and marionette lines.
  • Nanofat: Harvests the power of stem cells to help restore, repair, and smooth the skin. The very small particles of nanofat create a thin liquid that is injected into the skin. Nanofat does not add volume. This stem cell rich liquid is used for skin rejuvenation and tightening.

Fat Grafting Benefits


In addition to adding definition while greatly reducing visible wrinkles, fat contains regenerative cells that can assist with creating new blood vessels & collagen that will promote more youthful & vibrant skin. If you have experienced a loss in volume in your cheeks, temples, or lips Facial Fat Grafting may be a great solution for you.

  • Restores lost facial volume
  • Enhances skin quality and texture
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Promotes the formation of new blood vessels
  • Improves overall skin vitality and radiance
  • Addresses age-related volume loss in cheeks, temples, and lips
  • Provides natural-looking and long-lasting results

What areas of the body can be treated with Facial Fat Grafting?

Facial Fat Grafting offers versatile solutions for various areas of the face and body, helping patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Some of the common areas that can be effectively treated with Facial Fat Grafting include:

  • Cheeks: Loss of volume in the cheeks can result in a hollow or sunken appearance. Facial Fat Grafting can restore fullness to the cheeks, creating a more youthful and contoured look.
  • Temples: Sunken temples can contribute to an aged appearance. By grafting fat into the temples, facial symmetry and harmony can be restored, rejuvenating the overall facial profile.
  • Lips: Thin or deflated lips can be enhanced with Facial Fat Grafting, providing natural-looking volume and definition. This can help achieve plumper, more sensual lips without the need for synthetic fillers.
  • Nasolabial Folds (Laugh Lines): Deep lines that extend from the nose to the corners of the mouth, known as nasolabial folds or laugh lines, can be softened and filled with Facial Fat Grafting, resulting in smoother, more youthful-looking skin.
  • Under-Eye Area: Hollows or dark circles under the eyes can be corrected with Facial Fat Grafting, improving the overall appearance of the eye area and reducing the tired or aged look.
  • Jawline: Facial Fat Grafting can be used to enhance the jawline and provide better definition, creating a more sculpted and balanced facial profile.
  • Chin: A weak or recessed chin can be augmented with fat grafting to improve facial harmony and proportion.
  • Scars: Facial Fat Grafting can also be utilized to improve the appearance of scars by filling in depressions or irregularities, leading to smoother, more even skin texture.
Houston facial fat grafting model with black turtleneck Facial Fat Grafting Houston

Facial Fat Grafting Candidates

Is Facial Fat Grafting Right for Me?

Facial Fat Grafting is a suitable option for individuals who are looking to restore lost volume, improve facial contours, and achieve a more youthful appearance without the use of synthetic fillers. Ideal candidates for Facial Fat Grafting typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Loss of Facial Volume: Candidates should have noticeable volume loss in areas such as the cheeks, temples, lips, or other facial regions.
  • Good Overall Health: Candidates should be in good general health and free from any medical conditions that could impair healing or increase the risks associated with surgery.
  • Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of Facial Fat Grafting and understand that results may vary from person to person.
  • Non-Smokers: Smoking can interfere with the body's healing process and increase the risk of complications. Candidates are encouraged to refrain from smoking before and after the procedure.
  • Adequate Fat Donor Sites: Candidates should have sufficient fat deposits in donor areas such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks for harvesting.
Houston facial fat grafting model with long hair Facial Fat Grafting Houston

What issues does Facial Fat Grafting address?

Facial Fat Grafting addresses a variety of aesthetic concerns related to aging, volume loss, and facial asymmetry. Some of the common issues that can be effectively corrected with Facial Fat Grafting include:

  • Volume Loss: As we age, the face naturally loses fat and volume, resulting in a sunken or hollow appearance. Facial Fat Grafting can restore lost volume, providing a fuller and more youthful look to the face.
  • Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Fat contains regenerative cells that can help stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture. By filling in wrinkles and fine lines, Facial Fat Grafting can smooth out the skin and reduce the signs of aging.
  • Facial Asymmetry: Uneven distribution of fat and volume asymmetry can detract from facial harmony and balance. Facial Fat Grafting can be used to correct asymmetrical features, creating a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  • Scar Revision: Facial Fat Grafting can be utilized to improve the appearance of scars by filling in depressions or irregularities, resulting in smoother and more even skin texture.
  • Enhanced Facial Contours: By strategically adding volume to specific areas of the face, such as the cheeks, temples, or jawline, Facial Fat Grafting can enhance facial contours and create a more defined and sculpted appearance.

Achieve a Naturally Rejuvenated You with Nanofat Injections

Looking for a way to refresh your appearance without the synthetic fillers and extensive downtime? Look no further than nanofat injections! This innovative technique utilizes the power of your own body's regenerative potential to deliver subtle yet noticeable improvements in skin texture, tone, and elasticity.

What is Nanofat?

Nanofat is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that harnesses the power of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) found in fat tissue. A small amount of fat is extracted, typically from the abdomen or thighs, using a gentle liposuction technique. This fat is then meticulously processed to create a highly concentrated suspension rich in ADSCs and other beneficial growth factors. Unlike traditional fat grafting, nanofat focuses on these regenerative elements rather than the fat cells themselves.

Benefits of Nanofat Injections

  • Natural Rejuvenation: Nanofat injections stimulate your body's natural collagen production, leading to improved skin texture, tone, and elasticity. This results in a more youthful and radiant appearance without the artificial look of fillers.
  • Reduced Wrinkles and Fine Lines: The growth factors in nanofat injections promote collagen synthesis, effectively plumping the skin and diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Enhanced Skin Quality: Nanofat injections improve overall skin quality by promoting cellular regeneration and hydration. This can address concerns like dryness, uneven texture, and sun damage.
  • Scar Improvement: The regenerative properties of nanofat can help minimize the appearance of scars, including acne scars and surgical scars.
  • Minimal Downtime: Compared to traditional procedures, nanofat injections offer a much quicker recovery time with minimal discomfort. You can typically return to your daily routine within a few days.
  • Safe and Effective: Since nanofat utilizes your own body tissue, the risk of allergic reactions is significantly reduced. This minimally invasive procedure has a proven safety record.

Who is a Candidate for Nanofat Injections?

Nanofat injections can be a suitable option for individuals seeking a natural and subtle approach to facial rejuvenation. It can be particularly beneficial for those who:

  • Desire to improve skin texture and tone
  • Want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Seek improvement in scar visibility
  • Prefer a minimally invasive procedure with minimal downtime
Houston facial fat grafting model with long hair Facial Fat Grafting Houston

Considering Nanofat Injections?

If you're interested in learning more about how nanofat injections can help you achieve a naturally youthful appearance, schedule a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. They can discuss your specific concerns, assess your candidacy for the procedure, and create a personalized treatment plan to meet your aesthetic goals.

What is the difference between regular fat grafting and nanofat grafting?

Fat grafting with millifat or microfat is done for volume. In both cases, fat is harvested and grafted into areas that lack volume. Millifat, a bigger molecule is used deep under the skin to add volume to areas like the cheeks, temples, chin, and jaw. Microfat is also used for volume, but the smaller molecule is best for areas with thin skin, like the junction of the tear trough (undereye) area and the cheek, the lips, and to layer on top of millifat in the cheeks to ensure a perfectly smooth appearance. Fat grafting is generally injected deep under the skin. Nanofat is used for the regenerative properties of stem cells. It does not add volume. Nanofat is made by processing the fat into a thin liquid that can be injected with a small needle into the skin. The regenerative properties of nanofat help improve skin quality.

Surgical Facial Fat Grafting Consultation

a great solution for you

Is this right for you? If you have experienced a loss in volume in your cheeks, temples, or lips, Facial Fat Grafting may be a great solution for you. Schedule your one-on-one consultation today by calling (713) 321-2424 to discuss your options with Dr. Rodman.

Facial Fat Grafting Preparation and Procedure

Facial Fat Grafting is a comprehensive procedure most commonly performed under general anesthesia, often with another facial rejuvenation procedure such as a facelift. It is generally performed under general anesthesia in large volume cases. However, small volume cases may be done in the office with local anesthesia. Before undergoing the procedure with Dr. Regina Rodman at her surgery center in Houston, TX, patients will undergo a thorough consultation to discuss their goals and medical history. Prior to the procedure, patients may be advised to discontinue certain medications and supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding. On the day of the procedure, patients will arrive at the surgery center and be prepped for surgery.

When you’re ready for your Facial Fat Grafting, Houston Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Regina Rodman, will perform the procedure at her surgery center located in Houston, TX. Facial Fat Grafting is a comprehensive procedure typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and safety. Once you are sedated, Dr. Rodman will use liposuction techniques to harvest fat from donor sites on the body, such as the abdomen or thighs. The harvested fat will then be processed and purified to isolate viable fat cells for grafting. Dr. Rodman will meticulously inject the purified fat into targeted areas of the face to restore lost volume and enhance facial contours. Special attention will be paid to achieving natural-looking results and ensuring symmetry. Facial lipofilling with Pure Graft is a popular add-on procedure when a patient is already going to the operating room for other procedures. After the procedure, patients will be closely monitored in a recovery area before being discharged home with detailed postoperative instructions.

Houston facial fat grafting model with black turtleneck Facial Fat Grafting Houston

Surgical Fat Grafting Recovery

How long will I be down after Facial Fat Grafting?

After receiving Facial Fat Grafting, Houston patients can return to work within a few days to a week. Most will have some residual swelling for three to four weeks. During this time, it's crucial to follow postoperative care instructions provided by Dr. Rodman, which may include avoiding strenuous activities and maintaining proper head elevation to reduce swelling. Additionally, you will not need to wear body compression garments following this procedure, which can contribute to a more comfortable recovery experience. As the initial swelling subsides and the healing process progresses, patients can expect to see gradual improvements in facial volume and contours, with final results becoming more apparent over the coming weeks and months. If you have any concerns or questions about your recovery progress, don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Rodman's office for guidance and support.

Life-Long Results

How long do the results of Facial Fat Grafting Last?

Over subsequent weeks and months, the transplanted fat cells seamlessly integrate with surrounding tissues, resulting in refined and natural-looking outcomes. As the settling period progresses, any initial side effects subside, revealing the full potential of the procedure as the grafted fat becomes fully vascularized and establishes a stable blood supply. On average, a patient will retain 55 – 80% of the grafts. The grafts remaining at approximately six months postoperatively will likely stay in place throughout your life. Although some fat absorption is expected, the surviving grafts typically remain stable and permanent. Factors such as individual healing, lifestyle choices, and ongoing aging can influence the longevity of results, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and attending follow-up appointments for optimal outcomes. With proper care and occasional maintenance, Facial Fat Grafting offers enduring enhancements to facial volume and contours, promoting a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance for years to come.

Facial Fat Grafting Aftercare


To maintain the results of your Facial Fat Grafting procedure, it's crucial to adhere to specific aftercare guidelines. Protect your skin from sun damage by wearing sunscreen daily, following a gentle skincare routine, and avoiding smoking to optimize healing and minimize complications. Additionally, aim for weight stability to preserve facial contours, attend scheduled follow-up appointments for monitoring, and be patient during the recovery process, allowing time for any swelling or bruising to subside. By following these recommendations and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can enhance the longevity of your rejuvenated appearance and enjoy the benefits of Facial Fat Grafting for years to come.

Facial Fat Grafting Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Facial Fat Grafting cost?

Costs will vary depending on the method and complexity of your procedure.

Does my insurance cover Facial Fat Grafting?

Insurance does not typically cover cosmetic procedures.

What are potential alternative solutions to Facial Fat Grafting?

Micronized fat grafting, Implants, or Renuva HD and injectable fillers such as Revance or Restylane-based products are alternatives to fat grafting that you can discuss with Dr. Rodman at your consultation.

Houston facial fat grafting model with brown hair Facial Fat Grafting Houston

In-Office Procedure: Micronized Fat Grafting

What is micronized fat grafting?

Micronized Facial Fat Grafting makes small-volume fat transfer safe, fast, and easy. This system offers Dr. Rodman the ability to harvest, purify, and microsize the material within a sterile closed system syringe in our office. She can then use these syringes to help with your skin tone and regeneration in the cheeks rather than add volume. As the micro-fat is thinner and doesn’t leave lumps, it is best used under the eyes or in the lips.

What is the benefit of micronized Facial Fat Grafting? Is this right for you?

final results

Micronized fat is the ideal size that retains structure & regenerative properties. This process maximizes revascularization & nutrient exposure, enhancing graft survival. Another benefit of refining fat grafting is that the final results are visible in a shorter amount of time due to less swelling & potential bruising.


Schedule your one-on-one consultation today by calling (713) 321-2424 to discuss your options with Dr. Rodman. She will listen to your goals, analyze your facial structure, and assist you in deciding on the best procedure to help you achieve your most stunning facial contours.

Micronized Facial Fat Grafting Preparation and Procedure

Instead of using liposuction to collect the fat to be grafted, micronized Facial Fat Grafting involves removing small amounts of fat from a donor area using a syringe. The fat is then processed and strategically injected into the treatment site to create the desired contours.

Houston facial fat grafting model with blonde hair Facial Fat Grafting Houston

Micronized Facial Fat Grafting Recovery, Results, and Aftercare

What is the recovery time?

Typically a few days to two weeks. The area where the grafts were harvested and injected may be sore. Patients may return to work in a few short days.

How long do the results of Facial Fat Grafting last?

On average, a patient will retain 55 – 80% of the grafts. The grafts remaining at approximately 6 months postoperatively will likely stay in place throughout your life.

Maintaining Your Micronized Facial Fat Grafting Results

After your procedure, you will be provided with recommendations for maintaining your beautiful results. As always, living a healthy lifestyle promotes efficient healing and tissue function. If you wish to further enhance your facial appearance, ask us about our various skin rejuvenation services.

In-Office Micronized Facial Fat Grafting Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Facial Fat Grafting in the operating room and in the office?

Think of the operating room as higher volume defining results and in-office as lower volume refinement. This is where discussing what your goals are with Dr. Rodman is critical so that she can make the best recommendation possible for you.

Can Facial Fat Grafting be done with local anesthesia?

Typically yes.

Are there potential alternative solutions to Facial Fat Grafting?

Facial Lipofilling, Implants, or Renuva HD and injectable fillers such as Revance or Restylane-based products may provide comparable results.

Schedule Your Houston Plastic Surgery Consultation Today

The Face Forward process starts with a consultation. You will meet with Dr. Rodman (either in the office or via video call) to discuss the result or look you want to achieve. Dr. Rodman will review and educate you about your options and schedule you for the procedure of your choice. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled as necessary. Achieve your look and enjoy the new you! Schedule your consultation for plastic surgery in Houston at Face Forward today.

1900 North Loop West, Suite 370, Houston TX 77018

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