Otoplasty in Houston, TX

Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Otoplasty Houston
Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston Top Doctor for 2023 Otoplasty Houston

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Ear Pinning at Face Forward Houston

At Face Forward Houston otoplasty is commonly referred to as ear pinning or “pinning back the ears.” Protruding ears is a relatively common problem in children and adults and can be corrected through a relatively quick surgical procedure. Adults can often have the procedure performed in the office under local anesthesia, but for children it may be preferable to perform the procedure under sedation.

The normal ear sticks out about 20-30 degrees from the side of the head. In some patients this angle is much greater, and the ears stick out too far, which is called prominotia or prominent ears. While some babies outgrow this deformity, those do do not may need to have an otoplasty to pin the ears back. Dr. Rodman generally recommends that children have the surgery around the age of 5 years. At 5 years old, the patient’s ears are 85% of adult size, so they are developed enough to make changes. Also, most children start kindergarten at age 5. Getting the ears fixed before starting school may prevent being teased and making the child feel self-conscious about his or her ears. Dr. Rodman also does this surgery on adults of all ages. It’s never too late to make a change!

Otoplasty Houston Otoplasty Houston

Who is a Good Candidate for Otoplasty

boost one’s confidence

As mentioned above, the best patients are 5 years of age or older. Houston otoplasty patients should be in good health, and have no major issues with skin or wound healing in the head and neck. This can be a procedure that helps boost one’s confidence and put their insecurities about their ears to rest.

What to Expect:

aesthetic goals

During your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Rodman all options surgical and non-surgical will be discussed in detail, along with risks and benefits. A customized treatment plan will be created for you based on your individual needs and aesthetic goals.

In adults, the surgery can be done under local anesthesia (numbing) in the office. In children, an otoplasty is most comfortable at an outpatient surgery center under sedation. An incision is made behind the ear so the scar is hidden in the crease behind the ear, and is minimally visible. There are several techniques for correcting the ears, and in your consultation with Dr. Rodman you will discuss the best option for you. In most patients, permanent stitches help create a natural fold in the rim of the ear and pin the ear back. In some patients, a small amount of cartilage needs to be removed from the cochal bowl of the ear.

Additional Reading

After an otoplasty Houston patients will have a bandage placed over the ears which holds them back, and this stays on for two days. The patient can go home the same day after surgery. After the bandage is removed, patients are instructed to wear a headband (like an exercise sweatband) that holds the ears back for one week. After the first week the stitches are removed, and the patient will wear the headband only at night for 2 months. Patients generally do not have much pain and are able to resume light activity after a few days. Patients are told to avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for two weeks.

Can otoplasty be combined with other procedures?

Yes. An otoplasty can be done in conjunction with other surgeries. Some patients opt to have an earlobe reduction at the same time to contour the total appearance of the ear. Other patients may wish to have additional cosmetic procedures of the face. The additional procedures the patient desires will determine if the procedure can still be done in the office or if it will be more comfortable to perform the procedures in a surgery center. The benefit to combining procedures is one recovery and you also save money on bundling procedures vs. scheduling them individually.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Want to know more about this procedure and if you are a candidate? Call us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rodman. The Face Forward teams looks forward to providing you personalized care and amazing results you deserve. When you’re ready for your otoplasty Houston Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Regina Rodman, will see you at her surgery center located in Houston, TX.

You are not just a patient to us, you become part of our ever-growing Face Forward Family. To maximize your results following this procedure, Dr. Rodman recommends Silagen Scar Gel.

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